Appendix – DATOptic RM12-S6.TB - Rackmount User Manual
Page 64

and keep space (or zero) on all “SNMP Tarp IP Address“ options.
c). Installing the SNMP extension agent on the server which has
the Areca controller.
Please refer to next section of “SNMP Extension Agent Installa-
tion” for different operation system such as Windows, Linux and
C-3-4 SNMP Extension Agent Installation
The SNMP extension agent on the device is able to return mean-
ingful, highly useful information to the SNMP manager. The Areca
RAID controllers have supported the extension agent for Win-
dows, Linux and FreeBSD. This section is the detail procedures for
those extension agent installations.
C-3-4-1 Windows
You must have administrative level permission to install 6Gb/s
SATA RAID controller extension agent software. This procedure
assumes that the RAID hardware and Windows are both in-
stalled and operational in your system.
To enable the SNMP agent for Windows, configure Windows for
TCP/IP and SNMP services. The Areca SNMP extension agent file
is ARCSNMP.DLL. Screen captures in this section are taken from
a Windows XP installation. If you are running another version of
Windows, your screens may look different, but the Areca SNMP
extension agent installation is essentially the same.
1. Insert the Areca RAID controller software CD in the CD-ROM
2. Run the setup.exe file that resides at:
windows\SNMP\setup.exe on the CD. (If SNMP service was not
installed, please install SNMP service first.)