5 operation, 1 mode of operation, 2 essential operating information – Eppendorf Research pro User Manual

Page 9: 5 operation 5, Operation

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The Research pro is switched on by pressing any key. Attach an Eppendorf pipette tip to the
Research pro. The color coding of the Actuate key corresponds to the color code of the racks
for pipette tips. The dispensing liquid is aspirated into the pipette tip.
When the 200 µL tips are used together with the 300 µL pipette and when Filtertips are used,
the volume restriction option must be activated in the device parameters (Sec. 5.11).

The following sections contain step-by-step explanations of the operating procedure. It is
essential to work through these sections with the pipette in your hand. The volume shown in the
display information contained in the operating manual does not necessarily correspond to the
volume range of your pipette.
As a supplement to this manual, an interactive demonstration is available to familiarize users
with the operation of the Research pro – see our home page

The liquid which is to be aspirated is taken from a suitable vessel.
When multi-channel pipettes are used, the "Reagent reservoir" vessel
is recommended.
Before commencing pipetting activities with multi-channel pipettes,
turn the adapter in the required direction.
In addition to the description found in the subsequent sections
5.3 – 5.11, the following general procedure takes place:
Attach the pipette from the rack. Slight force may be used if

When aspirating liquid, immerse the pipette vertically – and as little as possible –
into the liquid. Following aspiration, remove the pipette tip from the liquid after
the acoustic signal has been emitted. If air bubbles have been aspirated, this
process must be repeated.

Never lay the pipette down when the tip is filled!

If necessary, carefully remove any external wetting from the pipette tip.
To dispense liquid, position the pipette tip in the aspirating vessel, as shown in
the illustration.
Depending on the type of problem (carryover, contamination), discard the
pipette tip after that by pressing the Eject key, attach a new tip and reaspirate

If a Reset is requested in the display, this Reset is always accompanied by a piston
movement. For this reason, please ensure that any residual liquid in the pipette tip is
dispensed beforehand! A Reset can also be used to empty the pipette tip and to end
an operating process. If you quit an input field during programming (e.g. changing the
speed) using Reset, the changes which have been made are not stored.

is pressed during the piston movement, this functions as an emergency brake.


again empties the pipette tip.

5.1 Mode of operation

5.2 Essential operating information






5 Operation


E05_1 Bedienung A5 Seite 9 Dienstag, 19. Dezember 2006 2:05 14