2 switching off the standby mode, 3 determining the injection parameters, 1 filling the capillaries with fluorescence dye – Eppendorf FemtoJet 4x v.1 User Manual

Page 27: 2 carrying out a test injection, Switching off the standby mode, Determining the injection parameters 6.3.1, Filling the capillaries with fluorescence dye, Carrying out a test injection

2 switching off the standby mode, 3 determining the injection parameters, 1 filling the capillaries with fluorescence dye | 2 carrying out a test injection, Switching off the standby mode, Determining the injection parameters 6.3.1, Filling the capillaries with fluorescence dye, Carrying out a test injection | Eppendorf FemtoJet 4x v.1 User Manual | Page 27 / 56 2 switching off the standby mode, 3 determining the injection parameters, 1 filling the capillaries with fluorescence dye | 2 carrying out a test injection, Switching off the standby mode, Determining the injection parameters 6.3.1, Filling the capillaries with fluorescence dye, Carrying out a test injection | Eppendorf FemtoJet 4x v.1 User Manual | Page 27 / 56