2 main menu, 3 navigating the menu, 1 selecting the menu and navigating – Eppendorf FemtoJet 4x v.1 User Manual

Page 24: 2 exiting the menu, Main menu, Navigating the menu 5.3.1, Selecting the menu and navigating, Exiting the menu

2 main menu, 3 navigating the menu, 1 selecting the menu and navigating | 2 exiting the menu, Main menu, Navigating the menu 5.3.1, Selecting the menu and navigating, Exiting the menu | Eppendorf FemtoJet 4x v.1 User Manual | Page 24 / 56 2 main menu, 3 navigating the menu, 1 selecting the menu and navigating | 2 exiting the menu, Main menu, Navigating the menu 5.3.1, Selecting the menu and navigating, Exiting the menu | Eppendorf FemtoJet 4x v.1 User Manual | Page 24 / 56