Viewing and editing clip properties – Apple Soundtrack User Manual
Page 85

Chapter 5
Working with Projects
Viewing and Editing Clip Properties
When you create an audio clip by dragging an audio file to the Timeline, the audio clip
has a set of properties. These properties are specific to the clip, and can be different for
two clips created from the same source audio file.
The following properties for the selected clip are displayed, and can be edited, in the
Clip tab of the Details tab:
 Playback buttons: Set whether the clip is looping or non-looping. When you add an
audio file to the Timeline, the clip will be non-looping unless the audio file is tagged
as a looping file.
 Measure in pop-up menu: Sets the units shown in the Position, Duration, and Offset
value sliders.
 Position value slider: Sets the start point for the clip in the Timeline.
 Duration value slider: Sets the duration of the clip. The duration of looping files is
displayed in number of beats; the duration of non-looping files is displayed in seconds.
 Offset value slider: Sets the number of beats (for looping files) or seconds (for non-
looping files) from the beginning of the source file at which the clip begins playing.
 Transpose pop-up menu: Sets the transposition in semitones for looping files; the
range is –12 to +12 semitones.
 Clip Speed pop-up menu: Sets the playback speed for looping files, which can be
Quadruple, Double, Normal, Half, or Quarter.
Some properties can be changed by editing the clip in the Timeline. For detailed
information on editing audio clips, see “