Media and effects manager, Browser tab – Apple Soundtrack User Manual

Page 37

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Chapter 3

The Soundtrack Interface


Media and Effects Manager

The Media and Effects Manager is where you locate and preview media (audio and video)
to add to your project. It has five tabs: The Browser, Favorites, and Search tabs give you
three different ways to find media files; the Bin gives you quick access to media files for
the current project; and the Effects tab is where you add and adjust effects.

Browser Tab

The Browser tab displays the disks connected to your computer in a view similar to
the Finder’s list view. You can also preview files in the Browser tab, and drag them to
the Timeline.

 Back and Forward buttons: Move through previously viewed levels of the folder hierarchy.
 Computer button: Displays your computer’s hard disk and other storage media

connected to your computer.

 Home button: Displays the contents of your home directory.
 Path pop-up menu: Displays the levels of the file path to the current location, letting

you move back to a previous level.

 File list: Displays the files and folders at the current location.
 Preview controls: Include Play and Mute buttons and a volume slider. For information

about using the Preview controls, see “

Using the Preview Controls

” on page 67.

 Media pop-up menu: Choose menu items to add a Favorite, add a file to the Bin, and

perform other functions.

Preview controls

Path pop-up menu

Media pop-up menu


Back and Forward


Computer and
Home buttons

File list