Project preferences – Apple Soundtrack User Manual

Page 74

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Chapter 4

Getting Started with Soundtrack

These preferences let you set the default Snap To value, default track height, and other
aspects of the Timeline.

 Use ellipses (...) in clip names checkbox: When selected, clips in the Timeline with long

names are center-truncated with an ellipsis. “Use ellipses (...) in clip names” is
deselected by default.

Note: Selecting “Use ellipses in clip names” can impact the speed at which the screen
is redrawn during playback.

 Scrollwheel pop-up menu: Choose whether an attached mouse with a scrollwheel

scrolls the Timeline or zooms in or out at the playhead position.

 Automation Recording Sensitivity slider: Drag to set the level of sensitivity with which

onscreen movements are recorded. Setting the slider to High results in all
movements being recorded.

This preference lets you control when certain alerts appear.

 Show alerts pop-up menu: Choose whether to show disk overload and unsupported

sample rate alerts when the conditions causing these alerts occur.

Project Preferences

These preferences let you set project properties and other default settings for new
projects you create.

 Tempo value slider: Sets the default tempo for new projects in beats per minute

(bpm). The range is 60 to 200 bpm.

 Key pop-up menu: Sets the default key for new projects. The range is any key in the

chromatic scale from A to G#, or None.