Working with automation, Working with envelopes, Chapter 9 – Apple Soundtrack User Manual

Page 143: See chapter 9, Working with, Automation

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Working with Automation

Using automation, you can create changes over time to
volume, pan, effects, and other controls.

Automation offers a powerful way to add drama and interest to your projects. You can
automate volume and pan changes to tracks, busses, and outputs and automate
changes to effect and effect send parameters.

Soundtrack gives you two ways to work with automation:

 You can add and adjust envelope points on envelopes in the Timeline.
 You can record changes to sliders, faders, and other controls in the Timeline and the

Effects tab.

Working with Envelopes

In the Timeline, each track, bus, and output has a set of envelopes. The envelopes
appear as horizontal lines stretching across the length of the project directly below the
track, bus, or output. You adjust an envelope by adding envelope points and moving the
envelope points to new values at different points in the Timeline.

The Timeline also includes master envelopes for tempo and transposition. When you
show the master envelopes, they appear below the last output in the Timeline.

For video editors accustomed to working in Final Cut Express, envelopes provide the
same type of functionality as keyframes. The difference is that you can edit envelopes
at a finer level of precision than you can using keyframes, allowing extremely powerful
control over automated changes.