Track, bus, and output envelopes, Master envelopes – Apple Soundtrack User Manual
Page 144

Chapter 9
Working with Automation
Track, Bus, and Output Envelopes
Each track and bus has envelopes for volume and pan, and each output has a volume
envelope. By default, the envelopes are hidden. When you show the envelopes, they
appear in rows below the track, bus, or output in the Timeline.
To show the envelopes for a track, bus, or output:
Click the envelope disclosure triangle in the track header. Click the disclosure triangle
again to hide the envelopes.
The ranges of volume and pan envelopes are equivalent to the ranges of the
corresponding track controls:
 Volume envelopes: The range is from –96 dB to +6 dB.
 Track pan envelope: The range is from 100% Left to 100% Right pan, with Centered at
the midpoint, 0 (zero).
When you add effects to a track, bus, or output, you can automate the effect
parameters by adding an envelope for any parameter to the envelopes for the track,
bus, or output. The envelopes are different for each type of effect. For information on
adjusting effect parameters, see “
Master Envelopes
Each project has master envelopes for transposition and tempo. When you display the
master envelopes, they appear below the outputs in the Timeline.
Click the envelope
disclosure triangle.
The envelopes are displayed
below the track, bus, or output.
The master envelopes appear
below the Outputs section.