Transposing tagged audio clips – Apple Soundtrack User Manual
Page 107

Chapter 6
Working in the Timeline
To split audio clips with the playhead:
Set the playhead at the point where you want to split the clip, then select the clip or
clips you want to split.
You can split multiple clips in the same operation.
Choose Edit > Split (or press S).
Every selected clip under the playhead is split into two segments. The first segment ends
at the playhead position, and the second segment begins at the playhead position.
You can join clips from the same original audio file, including segments of split clips.
Clips being joined must be adjacent to each other and in the same track.
To join audio clips:
Place the clips next to each other in the same track.
Select the clips, then choose Edit > Join (or press J).
When you join looping files or segments of looping files, the joined file plays to the end
of the source audio file before looping. The notches in the joined file indicate the end
of the source audio file.
Transposing Tagged Audio Clips
When you drag an audio file tagged with key information to the Timeline, Soundtrack
transposes the clip to the project key. You can transpose tagged clips to another key to
create chord progressions from the same audio file or to achieve other musical effects.
You can transpose a tagged clip to any interval from one octave above (+12 semitones)
to one octave below (–12 semitones) its current key.
Note: Soundtrack uses the key tag in the audio file to transpose it. In order to be
correctly transposed, the file must be tagged.
Move the playhead to
where you want to split
the selected clip.
The clip is split into
two segments, each of
which plays part of the
source audio file.