Working with projects, Creating and opening projects, Chapter 5 – Apple Soundtrack User Manual

Page 77

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Working with Projects

Using Soundtrack, you can create multitrack projects in
which you arrange and mix audio clips. Projects include
tracks, busses, and outputs that you can use to create
sophisticated mixes.

When you create a project, you can set the project’s properties and the project length.
You locate and add media to your project using the Media and Effects Manager.

Creating and Opening Projects

When you open Soundtrack, a new, blank project appears. You can change the default
startup behavior in the Preferences window. For information about setting preferences,
see “

Setting Soundtrack Preferences

” on page 73.

To create a new project:


Choose File > New > Multitrack Project (or press Command-N).

A new, untitled project appears. You can name the project when you save it. For
information on saving projects, see “

Saving Projects

” on page 82.

To open an existing project:


Choose File > Open (or press Command-O).


Locate and select the project, then click Open.

You can also open a recently open project by choosing it from the File > Open Recent
menu, and can open a project by dragging it onto the Soundtrack icon in the Dock.

You can have multiple projects open in Soundtrack, and cut and paste between them, but
you can only play one project at a time. You can open projects created with Soundtrack
version 1.x that have the extension .loop, but can only save them as multitrack projects
(with the extension .stmp). You can also open Soundtrack Pro v1.x multitrack projects (with
the file extension .stmp) with Soundtrack, but they may not include all of the effects.
(Additionally, Soundtrack projects can be opened from Soundtrack Pro.)