Apple Soundtrack User Manual
Page 208

Time-based format 53, 54
time markers and 121
Time ruler units and 115, 120
timecode format 120
Time Code Offset synchronization settings 76
Time display 35, 52–54, 120
time format
described 120
projects 92
setting 78–79
tracks 98
adding audio files to 83–84
controls 36
editing audio clips in 101–111
Global view 92
headers 35–36
keyboard shortcuts 192–193
moving audio clips in 103–104
navigating in 89–93
overview 34–35
preferences 74
recording audio in 159–162
scrubbing projects in 55
setting track height in 91
track controls 35–36
working in 89–113
zooming in/out 90–91
Timeline controls 35, 36
Timeline editing tools 34
time markers 112–113, 121, 122
Time ruler 35, 92, 120
time signature 19, 40, 80
Time Signature pop-up menu 40
Timeslices 153–157
Timeslice selection area, changing 156–157
tip-ring (TR) connectors 25
tip-ring-sleeve (TRS) connectors 25
tone 128
tone color 14
tonic 19, 81
Toolbar 32, 33, 50
Touch mode 152
TR (tip-ring) connectors 25
Track area 35
track controls 35–36, 86, 96–100
track envelopes 144
Track Height control 36, 91
track pan envelopes 144
adding 94
adding sends to 137
adjusting pan position 97
adjusting volume 96
changing icon for 96
copying 95
described 89
effects 99–100
enabling for recording 160
envelopes for 100
exporting 167
keyboard shortcuts 193
moving 95
moving audio clips between 103
muting 97, 170
numbered 96
overview 86
removing 101
renaming 96
routing to busses 86
selecting 95
selecting audio clips in 101
setting height of 91
showing 144
soloing 97–98
time format 98
working with 94–101
transducers 15
transients 173, 176, 181–182, 188
Transients tab 174, 176–177, 181
transport controls 32, 33, 56–57, 117–118
Transpose pop-up menu 46
treble 129
troubleshooting 195–197
TRS (tip-ring-sleeve) connectors 25
truncate mode 81
Type buttons 46
Undo command 69
Universal Serial Bus. See USB
upsampling 79
USB (Universal Serial Bus) 23, 24
USB audio interface 28, 196
USB cables 24
USB connectors 24
USB devices 24, 196
USB hubs 24, 196
User Manual 11
Utility window 31, 42–46
Value value slider 46
verses 20
video 115–124
for DVDs 79
frame rates 121
importing into projects 115, 116
playback of 117–118
removing from projects 124
time format 120