Apple Soundtrack User Manual
Page 202

filter 126, 128–130
included with Soundtrack 126
miscellaneous 126
modulation 126, 131
output 99–100
parameters 139
removing 140
reordering 136
resetting to defaults 140
reverb 126, 132–133
sends and 137–139
third-party 22
time-based 132–133
track 99–100
types of 126
working with 134–141
Effects button 35, 99–100
effects chains 125, 135–136
Effects tab
adding effects to tracks/busses/outputs 99
effects 134–141
overview 41
enabling track for recording 159
end-of-project marker 82
envelope points 145–150
adding 145
changing position of 147, 148
changing values of 147
copying 149
cutting 149
deleting 149–150
editing 148–149
information about 46
moving 143, 146
nudging 149
pasting 149
reducing number of 152
scoring markers and 123
selecting 146
viewing details 148
adding 151
bus 100
described 15
effects and 144, 151
hiding 100
master 143, 144–145
output 100
overview 143–144
percussive 15
removing 151
sends and 151
showing 100, 144
sustained 15
Timeslices 153–156
track 100, 144
track pan 144
volume 144
envelopes disclosure triangle 36
EQ (equalization)
frequency ranges used with 129–130
graphic 130
overview 128–130
parametric 130
EQ effects 126, 128–130
connecting audio equipment 23–27
example hardware setups 27–29
setting up. See system setup
exclusive solo 97, 98
exporting items
audio to Final Cut Express 170
overview 10
project mixes 166
projects to audio files 166
projects to QuickTime movies 168
reference movies 168
tracks, busses, and outputs 167
Favorites 59
Favorites list 38
Favorites tab 38, 59
feedback 131, 132
file formats. See formats
File Info area 176
File list 37, 41
AIFF 169
dual mono 167
keyboard shortcuts 189
looping 107, 110, 163
non-looping 110, 163
source 101, 110–111
stereo 166
supported formats 57
tagged 59, 173–188
File Type pop-up menu 40
fills 20
filter effects 126, 128–130
filters 130
Final Cut Express
exporting audio to 170
importing video from 115
roundtrips to/from Soundtrack 168–169
scoring markers 121–124
Finder, adding audio files from 84
finding items