Apple Soundtrack User Manual
Page 205

non-drop frames 120
non-looping files 109, 163
non-looping playback mode 83
notch frequencies 131
Nyquist theorem 17
offset 109
Offset value slider 46
onscreen help 11
optical digital connectors 26
output controls 87, 96–100
output devices 22
Output pop-up menu 36
adding 94
adjusting volume 96
changing icon for 96
copying 95
described 89
effects 99–100
envelopes for 100
exporting 167
moving 95
muting 97
numbered 96
overview 87
removing 101
renaming 96
selecting 95
setting height of 91
soloing 97–98
working with 94–101
Output synchronization settings 76
Overlap mode 81, 106
overtones 14
pan controls 97
panning 97
pan position 139
pan positions 97
pan slider 36, 97
parametric EQs 130
pasting items
audio clips 102–103
envelope points 149
Timeslices 155
Path pop-up menu 37, 38
PCI (Peripheral Connect Interface) 24
PCI interfaces 24
peak indicators 43, 44
peak levels 126
peak limiters 127
peaks 176
Peak Value display 44
performance 195–196
Peripheral Connect Interface. See PCI
phase relationships 15
phase shifters 15, 131
phone plug connectors 25
physical output channels 36, 87
pitch 14
Play/Pause button 33
playback 51–57
changing mode 109
controlling 33, 51–55, 93
cycling 93
keyboard shortcuts 57, 118, 190
looping 83, 93, 109
MPEG-2 115
non-looping 83, 109
starting 51
video 117–118
Playback buttons 46
playback mode 109
playback position 56, 190
playback region 93
Play button 51, 56, 67, 161, 162
Play From Beginning button 33, 56
changing position 55
keyboard shortcuts 190
positioning with Time ruler 92
scoring marker to 123–124
setting 51–55
splitting audio clips with 106, 107
Playhead Position value slider 32, 54–55, 80
playing projects 51–57
Audio Units 22, 125
effects 21, 22
included with Soundtrack 22
unsupported 22
Position value slider 46
postproduction 128
Apple Loops Utility 184
Recording 159
Soundtrack 73–76
Preferences window 73
presets, effect 141–142
Presets drawer 141, 142
preview controls 37, 38, 40, 41, 67
previewing items
audio files 66–67
in Media and Effects Manager 66–67
preview file information 68–69
video files 66, 119