Creating separate layouts for parts and score – Apple Logic Express 8 User Manual
Page 802

Chapter 33
Working With Notation
Creating Separate Layouts for Parts and Score
You can use separate layout parameters for the full score, and parts, in the Global tab of
the Score project settings. The Format parameter in the Score Set window determines
which layout parameters a score set uses.
To create separate layout parameters for the full score, and parts:
Open the Global Score project settings by choosing File > Project Settings > Score (or
using the Open Score Project Settings key command), then click the Global tab.
The Global tab offers separate page layout parameters for score and parts.
Set the separate score and part layout parameters as desired.
To determine the layout parameters used by a score set:
In the Score Set window, choose the desired setting from the Format menu.
For the default All Instruments set, the score settings will always be used, except when
a single MIDI region is displayed. In this situation, the part settings will be used.
Filtering Single Instruments
You can quickly extract a single instrument from the score, by choosing it from the
pop-up menu that appears when you Option-click on the Score Set menu.
This way, you don’t need to create a score set for every instrument, in order to produce
parts. You should note, however, that only the track instrument names will be used as
instrument names in the score. So, if you use this method for printout of your parts,
you will see the real instrument names of the Arrange window track instruments.