Apple Power Macintosh 7600/200 Series User Manual
Page 238
performance and 170
printing and 177
RAM disk 151, 170
troubleshooting 150–151, 152, 154,
157, 165
used by system software additions 40
virtual memory 38, 151, 170
VRAM configuration
specifications 107
Memory control panel 151, 157, 170
memory interleaving 106
memory slots 105, 120–127
menu bar
blinking icons in, troubleshooting
175, 176
defined 22
menu blinking, performance and 170
menus, opening 22
microphone 2, 83–85, 174
miniplug connectors 79, 81
modem cables 48
modem port 76–77
modems 46–49
moisture or wetness, computer exposure
to 212, 213, 217
monitor cable 2, 9–10
monitor port 9, 76–77
monitor power cord, connecting 7–8
monitor power socket 8, 76
monitors. See also screen
brightness control 17, 142
cleaning 218
connecting 7–10, 98
contrast control 142
electromagnetic emissions from 211
illustration of 2, 74–75
maximum weight on top of the
computer 3, 7
positioning 7, 210
safety instructions for 214
supported by the computer 7
turning on 14
Monitors & Sound control panel 85,
171, 174
checking connections 171
cleaning 219–220
connecting 11–13
illustration of 2, 74
learning to use 26–27
locking/unlocking 221–222
proper positioning of 210
troubleshooting 171
mouse button 26
mouse cable 11, 12
Mouse control panel 171
Mouse Keys feature 172
mouse tracking speed, performance
and 171
the computer 3
the Guide window 19, 29
multiple networks, connecting to 60
musculoskeletal discomfort from
computer use 207, 208, 211
“native” programs 38, 157
Netscape Navigator Web browser 68
network administrator
choosing a network zone 62
configuring your connection 65
connecting to a network 53, 55, 57
obtaining access privileges for shared
items 178, 180
unlocking the AppleTalk control panel
61, 64
Network extension 178
alternate types of 51
backing up files on 41
configuring connections 60–66
connecting to 53–60
installing application programs
from 35
ISDN terminal adapters and 50
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