Goldverb, Early reflections – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Page 61

Chapter 9
The Modulation Rate, Modulation Int and Modulation Phase parameters control an
additional modulation delay. It consists of two LFOs with variable frequencies (set with
Modulation Rate). The desired modulation width is set with the Modulation Int slider.
When this slider is set to the far right position, delay modulation is switched off
completely. The Modulation Phase knob defines the phase of the modulation between
the left and right stereo sides. At 0°, the extreme values of the modulation are achieved
simultaneously on both sides, at 180°, the extreme values opposite each other are
reached simultaneously.
The GoldVerb consists of two sections: Early Reflections and Reverb (diffuse
reverberations). The balance between these two sections is controlled by the Balance
ER/Reverb slider, located above the graphic. When you set this Balance slider to either of
its extreme positions, the unused section is deactivated, maximizing performance.
Early Reflections
This section emulates the original signal’s first reflections as they bounce off the walls,
ceiling, and floor of a natural room. These early reflections are essential to how we
perceive a room. All information about the size and shape of a room capable of being
discerned by the human ear is contained in these early reflections.