Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

Page 157

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send Abbreviation for auxiliary sends. An output on an audio device used for routing a
controlled amount of the signal to another device. Sends are for example often used to
send several signals to the same effect, which is rather advisable for computationally-
intensive effects such as reverb.

sequencer A sequencer is a computer application that allows you to record both
digital audio and MIDI data and blend the sounds together in a software mixing
console. There are editing tools that let you control every aspect of the production,
down to the finest details. Effect processors and software instruments are increasingly
being added to these applications. Modern sequencers such as Logic now can fulfill
many, if not all, functions that were only possible in the most expensive and well-
equipped recording studios a decade ago.

setting 1) A parameter value. 2) A set of plug-in parameter values that can be loaded,
saved, copied, or pasted via the Settings menu. A plug-in setting is also known as
preset. Also see preset and Settings menu.

Settings menu Accessible via the Arrow button found in the gray header at the top of
all plug-in windows. Allows you to save, load, copy, and paste settings: the parameter
values of effects and software instruments.

shelving EQ EQ type that allows reducing or increasing the frequency range above or
below the specified frequency.

side chain A side chain is effectively an alternate input signal—usually routed into an
effect—that is used to control an effect parameter. As an example, you could use a side
chained track containing a drum loop to act as the control signal for a Gate inserted on
a sustained pad track, creating a rhythmic gating effect of the pad sound.

Single Trigger mode This term is associated with synthesizers such as the ES 1. In this
mode, envelopes are not retriggered when tied (legato) notes are played.

software instrument Logic’s software counterpart to a real sound source or a sampler
or synthesizer module.

solo A way to temporarily highlight one or more tracks or Regions or events, allowing
them to be heard in isolation.

Solo tool Click-holding on individual Regions or events with the Solo tool temporarily
allows them to be heard in isolation. All other objects are muted.

song Main Logic file, containing all MIDI events and parameter settings (including
mixer automation data) plus information about the audio files to be played.

Song Settings The Song Settings, accessible from the File menu, are a collection of
program settings that are specific to the current song. These are different to the global
preferences that affect all Logic songs (see preference).