Modulation matrix – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Page 129

Chapter 19
LFO 2 Rate
The frequency of LFO 2. It can be set in note values (left area), or in Hertz (right area). In
the centered position (which can be set by clicking on the small 0 button), the LFO is
halted, and generates a constant modulation value with full level (DC = Direct Current).
Again, don’t overlook this feature if you want to control an LFO-modulated parameter
directly via the Modulation Matrix (see following section).
LFO 3 Rate
There is a third LFO available which always uses a triangular waveform. LFO 3 can
oscillate freely between 0 and 35 Hz, or can be tempo synchronized in values between
32 bars and 1/128 triplets.
Modulation Matrix
The Modulation Matrix is the dark horizontal band that spans the center of the EXSP24
interface. It consists of ten modulation paths, each linking a modulation Source with a
modulation Destination (the sound parameter that you want to modulate). This is
similar to the use of patch cords on modular synthesizers, but with the additional
option of control over the modulation amount via another modulation source.
Creating a new modulation path is easy:
first, choose the Destination (Dest)
then choose the Source (Src)
The green triangular fader on the right side of each modulation path allows you to set
the modulation depth with a bipolar range (positive or negative value).
In this example, the LFO 1 Speed is modulated by channel pressure (aftertouch)
messages of a MIDI keyboard.