Hold pedal and crossfades, Sample select – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

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Chapter 19


Hold Pedal and Crossfades

Hold via
This parameter determines the modulation source used to trigger the sustain pedal
function (hold all currently played notes, and ignore their note off messages until the
modulation source’s value falls below 64). The default is controller number 64 (MIDI
standard). You can change it if there are reasons to prevent Sustain from using CC 64,
or if you wish to trigger Sustain with another modulation source.

Crossfade (Xfade)
Xfade allows you to crossfade between layered sample Zones with adjacent Select
settings (Select Range was labeled Velocity Range in earlier versions). Please read
the “Sample Select” section which follows.

Crossfades are controlled by two parameters:

This is the range of velocity (or other modulation source) values in which the crossfade
takes place. The Select Range setting of all Zones will be expanded by this value, with
the crossfade taking place in the expanded area. When the Amount parameter is set to
0, the EXSP24 will switch between sample Zones in exactly the same fashion as earlier
versions (Velocity Switching).

You can choose between three different fade types for the velocity crossfade:

dB linear

linear (gain linear)

equal power

Sample Select

This is just another modulation Destination—but it is important to know a little bit
more about it. By default, Sample Select is controlled by velocity (via the default
Velocity to Sample Select modulation path). The velocity value determines which of the
layered Zones with different Select Range settings (velocity layers) is heard. You can
also use modulation sources other than velocity—even multiple sources (in multiple
modulation paths)!