Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

Page 152

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MIDI Multi mode Multi-timbral operating mode on a MIDI sound module where
different sounds can be controlled polyphonically on different MIDI channels. A Multi
mode sound module behaves like several polyphonic sound modules. General MIDI
describes a 16-part multi mode (the ability to control 16 different parts individually).
Most modern sound generators support multi mode. In Logic, multi mode sound
modules are addressed via Multi Instrument Objects.

MIDI Region Data container for MIDI events which is shown in the Arrange window as
a named horizontal beam. In earlier Logic versions MIDI Regions were called sequences.

mixing The process of shaping the overall sound of a song by adjusting the volume
levels, pan positions, adding EQ, and other effects, and using automation to
dynamically alter aspects of the song.

modifier key Computer keyboard keys used in conjunction with alphabetical keys to
change functionality. Modifier keys include; Control, Shift, Option, and Command.

modulation Generally, a slight, continuously varying change. Logic’s effects and
synthesizers contain a number of modulators.

modulation amount The strength, or intensity, of modulation.

modulation matrix The EXSP 24 and other Logic instruments contain a grid that allows
you to modulate a number of target parameters with a number of modulators. This
grid is referred to as the modulation matrix.

modulation path A modulation path determines which target parameter will be
modulated by a specific modulator (modulation source).

modulation wheel A MIDI controller found on most MIDI keyboards.

mono Short for monophonic sound reproduction. The process of mixing audio
channels into a single track, using equal amounts of the left and right audio channel
signals. Compare with stereo.

MP3 Abbreviation for MPEG-2 Audio Layer 3. A compressed audio file format,
frequently used to distribute audio files over the Internet.

MTC See MIDI Time Code.

Multi Instrument Object An Object in Logic’s Environment that represents a multi
timbral hardware or software device that reacts to MIDI. The Multi Instrument Object is
essentially 16 Instrument Objects rolled into a single package. Each of these, called sub-
channels (or part-instrument), has a fixed MIDI channel and shares the same port. All
other parameters can be set individually. The purpose of Multi Instrument Object is to
address multi-channel MIDI devices, which receive MIDI data and play different sounds
on separate MIDI channels.