Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

Page 142

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Arrange window The heart of Logic. The primary working window of the program
where Audio and MIDI Regions are edited and moved to create a song arrangement.

attack Start phase of a sonic event. Also part of an envelope (see envelope).

attenuate To lower an audio signal’s level.

Audio Configuration window Logic window that provides an overview of all audio
routing. Allows the copying of the entire audio configuration between Logic songs, and
assists in renaming tasks. You can open the Audio Configuration window by choosing
Audio > Audio Configuration.

audio file Any digital recording of sound, stored on your hard drive. You can store
audio files in the AIFF, WAV, and Sound Designer II formats.

Audio Instrument Logic supports the use of software based instruments. Software
instrument plug-ins are inserted into Audio Instrument Objects. Software instrument
recording takes place on Audio Instrument tracks in the Arrange window. Playback of
these tracks is routed via the Audio Instrument Object.

audio interface Device needed to get sound into and out of your computer. An audio
interface converts digital audio from your computer to analog waves that speakers can
broadcast, or, in the other direction, an audio interface converts analog waves into
digital audio your computer can work with.

Audio Mixer An Environment layer that shows all Audio Objects of a song. The Audio
Mixer is used for mixing multiple audio channels in real time. The Audio Mixer is also
known as Environment Mixer.

Audio Object Audio Objects are found in Logic’s Environment. They are the “building
blocks“ of the Audio Mixer. When expanded, Audio Objects look just like channel strips.
Audio Objects tell Logic where to send audio signals. The following Audio Object types
are available: Audio Track Object, Input Object, Audio Instrument Object, Bus Object,
Output Object, Master Object, Aux Object.

Audio Region Chosen area of an audio file which is registered in the Audio window for
use in the song and, can be placed on audio tracks in the Arrange window, just like a
MIDI Region can be placed on MIDI tracks. Audio Regions are aliases (or pointers) to
portions of audio files. They can be as short as a single sample, or as long as the audio
file itself. You can use all of Logic’s tools to edit Audio Regions. Editing is non
destructive on the original audio file, as the Region is only an alias of the audio file. See
also Region and MIDI Region.

audio track A track in Logic’s Arrange window that is used for playback, recording, and
editing of Audio Regions.