Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

Page 159

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Undo function Function which reverses the previous editing operation.

velocity Force at which a MIDI note is struck; controlled by the second data byte of a
note event.

virtual memory Area of the hard disk used as an extension of RAM memory by the
computer. The disadvantage is its very slow access time, in comparison to physical

WAV, WAVE The primary audio file format used by Windows-compatible computers. In
Logic, all recorded and bounced WAV files are in Broadcast Wave format, which include
a high-resolution timestamp.

waveform A visual representation of an audio signal.

wet/dry mix Refers to the ratio of a signal that effects have been added to (wet), and
the original, unprocessed signal (dry).

white noise Noise type that consists of all frequencies (an infinite number) sounding
simultaneously, at the same intensity, in a given frequency band. Its name is analogous
to white light, which consists of a mixture of all optical wavelengths (all rainbow
colors). Sonically, white noise falls between the sound of the consonant F and breaking
waves (surf). Synthesis of wind and seashore noises, or electronic snare drum sounds,
requires the use of white noise.

window class Status of the window as a float window or a normal window. Float
windows always “float” in the foreground and can not be hidden by normal windows.
Also see float window.

word length See bit depth.

zero crossing A point in an audio file where the waveform crosses the zero amplitude
axis. If you cut an audio file at a zero crossing there will be no click at the cut point.

zoom An action that enlarges (zooms in on) or shrinks (zooms out from) the display in
a Logic window. The Magnifying Glass in the Toolbox, and the Zoom controls found in
the lower left and upper right corners of windows, are both used for zooming tasks.
Also see Zoom control and zoom level.

Zoom control The control that appears at the bottom left and top right of some
windows, such as the Arrange. The Zoom control slider allows you to navigate through
the entire length of the currently displayed song. The lines on the left and right of the
slider can be clicked to zoom in and out by a fixed percentage.