Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Page 120

Chapter 19
Unison Mode
This mode plays multiple EXSP24 voices when each key is triggered:
In Poly mode, two voices per note.
In Mono or Legato mode, you can adjust the number of voices per note with the
voices parameter (this value is limited to 8—which is more than enough for fat
unison sounds!)
The voices are equally distributed in the panorama field and are symmetrically
detuned, dependent on the Random knob value.
Note: The number of voices actually used per note increases with the number of
layered sample zones.
Sampler Instrument Selection Pull-Down Menu
This menu allows the selection and loading of a Sampler Instrument into your
computer’s RAM. In order to appear within this list, a Sampler Instrument must reside in
the Sampler Instruments subfolder of Logic’s program folder.
You will find plus (
) and minus (
) buttons to the left and right of the Instrument Load
pull-down menu/display. These buttons allow you to browse to the next/previous
Instrument (sound) of your sound library (if necessary, this will change folders in
accordance with their order of appearance in the menu). Please note that the global
Next/Previous EXS Instrument key and MIDI commands also perform the same function.
Options Button
Clicking the Options button launches a menu that offers the following options:
Recall default EXS24 settings recalls a neutral setting for all parameters in the Plug-in
Recall settings from instrument command manually recalls the original parameter
settings of the loaded Sampler Instrument. This parameter is extremely useful if
you’ve been over zealous with your tweaking.
Save settings to instrument parameter stores the current settings of the Plug-in
window into the Instrument file. When the Instrument is reloaded, these settings are
restored in the Plug-in window.
Delete Settings from instrument removes the stored settings from the Instrument.
Rename instrument allows the renaming of the currently opened Sampler Instrument.
When invoked, a file dialog box will open. This will overwrite the existing Instrument