Silververb – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Page 60

Chapter 9
The SilverVerb algorithm is controlled by just three parameters: As its name implies,
Reflectivity defines how reflective the imaginary walls, ceiling, and floor will be. Room
Size challenges your architectural skills—use it to define the dimensions of simulated
rooms. The graphic display visually represents these parameter settings.
Predelay determines the delay between the original signal and the reverb tail.
Whereas high Predelay settings tend to generate something similar to an echo, low
values often muddy the original signal. Ideally, you should go for as high a setting as
possible before the plug-in begins generating something that sounds like a delay tap.
With appropriate Predelay settings, you can apply relatively generous amounts of
reverb to percussive parts, while allowing the attacks to remain intelligible.
Low Cut and High Cut let you filter bass and treble frequencies out of the reverb tail.
In most cases this will open up your mix. The reason for this is that a long reverb with a
great deal of bottom end generally makes for a flabby mix, and high frequencies in the
reverb usually sound somewhat unpleasant, hamper speech intelligibility, or mask the
overtones of the original signals.
If you activate the 001/011 button in the plug-in header, four additional parameters will
be available:
Density/Time determines both the density and duration of the reverb. Small value
settings tend to generate something similar to an echo. High values result in a reverb-
like effect.