Using energy saver with a screen saver, Information about copying software – Apple Studio Display User Manual
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Chapter 2
The Energy Saver control panel on your system may look slightly different from the one
shown here.
Note: If you don’t have the monitor dimming feature, you can purchase monitor dimming
software that dims the monitor when it’s not being used. For more information, see your
Apple-authorized dealer or retailer.
Click the close box in the upper-left corner of the control panel.
Using Energy Saver With a Screen Saver
Screen savers are applications you can purchase that put moving patterns on your display
when you’re not using your mouse or keyboard. Screen savers and Energy Saver both help
prevent screen “burn-in.” Energy Saver also conserves energy.
If you wish, you can use Energy Saver and a screen saver program. Set the screen saver to
turn on before Energy Saver. If your screen saver program includes its own energy-saving
feature, you can turn off Energy Saver.
Information About Copying Software
If you want more information about when it’s OK to copy software and when it isn’t, or about
related consumer issues, you can contact the Software Publishers Association (SPA) and ask
for their free brochure. Call or write:
Software Publishers Association
1730 M Street NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036-4510
To extend the life of the backlight, use Energy Saver to turn off your display
when it’s not in use. Don’t use a screen saver program.