Apple Newton Connection Utilities (for Windows) User Manual
Page 96
cables, serial 3–4, 88
Card.nbk file 18
cards. See storage cards
date range 64–65
Dock preferences 83–85
field maps 72–75
how information is imported 42
how information is synchronized 58
location of Backups directory 5, 11, 24
synchronization settings 57, 63
characters, typing 35, 47
Choose Newton Application window 45
Choose Translator window 39, 45, 46
Clipboard, copying text from 36
communication, setting up for 6–7
computer. See also Newton device
connecting Newton device to 3–4
finding files on, with Newton device 82
preparing for Auto Docking 13–15
setting up for communication with
Newton device 6–7
using keyboard from 33–36
conflict resolution
choosing 70–71
exporting and 67–68
importing and 67–68
synchronization and 55, 69
connecting Newton device to computer 3–4
ending 15, 85
establishing 9–10
password for 11–12, 84
preferences for 14, 83–85
selecting type of 7, 8
troubleshooting 88
Connection application 8
Connection icon 8
copying text from Clipboard 36
customer support line viii
date range, changing 64–65
delimited text files 40, 41, 75
direct export method 43
direct import method 37
applications and 87
Backups directory 5, 11, 17–18, 24
NCU directory 5, 17, 87, 89
Previous directory 18
Dock application 8
Dock preferences 14, 83–85
documents. See files
dragging, installing packages by 31
drawings, importing into Newton Works
connection 15, 85
keyboard session 36
exiting Newton Connection Utilities 15
Export button 9, 45
all information from Newton applications
changing field maps and 72–75
description of 43–44
graphics 91, 93
from Newton device 43–49
from Newton Works 61–62