Setting advanced options – Apple Newton Connection Utilities (for Windows) User Manual
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This chapter describes how to use advanced options when you import, export,
or synchronize to change how information is transferred between your
Newton device and your computer. For information about importing or
exporting Newton Works information, see Chapter 8, “Importing Into Newton
Works” and Chapter 9, “Exporting From Newton Works.”
Note: When you initiate a synchronization from your Newton device, the
Newton Connection Utilities use the settings selected with the computer
application. Use the Newton Connection Utilities on your computer to change
these settings.
About advanced options
The Newton Connection Utilities allow you to use the following methods to
further refine how information is transferred:
m Date Range: For calendar applications, you can set a date range to specify
which calendar entries are transferred. See “Changing the Date Range” for
more information.
m Conflict Resolution: When you transfer information, you can specify how
conflicting information is handled. For example, should entries on your
Newton device replace similar entries on your computer, or vice versa? See
“Resolving Transfer Conflicts” for more information.
Setting Advanced Options