Apple Newton Connection Utilities (for Windows) User Manual

Page 35

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Begin typing on your computer’s keyboard.

The text you type appears at the insertion point on your Newton device.

You can use all standard alphabetic and numeric keys on your keyboard to
enter information on your Newton device. You can also use the Tab and
Return keys to move between topics. Special keys, such as F1, are not

While a keyboard session is active, you can open and close as many slips on
your Newton device as desired, open or quit applications, and so on.

During a keyboard session, characters appear on your Newton device only
when the Newton Connection Utilities window is active on your computer. If
another window is active, characters you type appear on your computer and
not on your Newton device.


Using Your Computer’s Keyboard

Characters you type on your computer’s
keyboard appear at the insertion point.

Press the Tab or Return key to move to
the next topic.