Playing itunesu content, Listening to audiobooks, Playing itunes u content – Apple iPod nano (5th generation) User Manual
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Chapter 3
Listening to Music
If a podcast includes artwork, you also see a picture. Podcast artwork can change
during an episode.
For more information about podcasts, open iTunes and choose Help > iTunes Help.
Then search for “podcasts.”
Playing iTunes U Content
iTunes U is a part of the iTunes Store featuring free lectures, language lessons,
audiobooks, and more, which you can download and enjoy on iPod nano. iTunes U
content is organized by collections, items within collections, authors, and providers.
If you stop listening to iTunes U content and return to it later, the collection or item
begins playing where you left off.
To play iTunes U content:
From the main menu, choose iTunes U, and then choose a collection.
Items within a collection appear in reverse chronological order so you can listen to the
most recent one first. You see a blue dot next to collections and items you haven’t
watched or listened to yet.
Choose an item to play it.
For more information about iTunes U, open iTunes and choose Help > iTunes Help.
Then search for “iTunes U.”
Listening to Audiobooks
To listen to audiobooks on iPod nano, choose Audiobooks from the Music menu.
Choose an audiobook, and then press Play/Pause (’).
If you stop listening to an audiobook on iPod nano and return to it later, the audiobook
begins playing where you left off. iPod nano skips audiobooks when set to shuffle.
If the audiobook you’re listening to has chapters, you can press Next/Fast-forward (‘)
or Previous/Rewind (]) to skip to the next chapter or the beginning of the current
chapter. You can also choose the audiobook from the Audiobooks menu, and then
choose a chapter, or choose Resume to begin playing where you left off.
You can play audiobooks at speeds faster or slower than normal. Setting the play speed
affects only audiobooks purchased from the iTunes Store or
To set audiobook play speed:
Choose Settings > Playback > Audiobooks and choose a speed, or press and hold the
Center button from the Now Playing window, and then choose a speed.