Replace pedestal oil - smr series, Figure 4-7: pedestal oil change – Hale SMR User Manual
Page 61

Stainless Max Series Pumps
Preventive Maintenance
For the pedestal, see heading “Replace Pedestal Oil - SMR
Series” for additional information.
Note: Assembly orientation determines which plugs are used for oil
fill, drain and level detection. Also see Installation Drawings at the
back of this manual.
3. Examine the oil for contamination (e.g., water – turns the oil a
milky color or settles to the bottom). Properly dispose of the used
4. Inspect the magnetic drain plug. If metal filings are present on
the drain plug, remove the cooler or cover plate to visually in-
spect and clean the internal components.
Repair or replace as necessary.
5. Replace the cooler or cover, if necessary. Remove the oil fill
plug, the level detect plug, and replace the drain plug (magnetic).
6. Fill the gearbox with an approved gear oil until oil just begins
seeping from the level plug opening.
7. Replace the fill plug.
Replace Pedestal Oil - SMR Series
1. To check the oil, remove the fill / dipstick and check reading.
(See Figure 4-7: “Pedestal Oil Change.”)
2. Add fresh oil through the oil
fill/dipstick port until oil
reaches the MAX line. Do
not overfill. See Table 4-2:
“Recommended Lubricants”
on page 4-6.
Note: Oil is checked with the
dipstick screwed down tight.
3. Replace the oil fill / dipstick
securely and run the pump
for a short period, then
recheck the oil level.
4. To change the oil, remove
the drain plug, located at the
rear of the housing, below the pump drive flange.
Figure 4-7: Pedestal Oil Change
Oil Fill /
Drain Plug