Section 4: preventive maintenance, Overview, Post-operation – Hale SMR User Manual
Page 53: Flush pump, Extreme conditions, Section, Preventive maintenance -1, Preventive maintenance

Stainless Max Series Pumps
Preventive Maintenance
Hale SM Series Pumps require minimal care and maintenance. Pre-
ventive maintenance tasks take little time to perform and consist prima-
rily of leak testing, lubrication and cleaning.
The procedures supplied in this section are for normal use under
normal operating conditions. Extreme conditions may indicate a need
for increased maintenance and the additional measures needed to
ensure lengthened pump life and continuing dependability.
This section provides recommended actions to be completed after each
use, weekly, monthly and annually.
Flush Pump
1. Inspect the suction hose and rubber washers, as well as the
washers in the suction tube caps.
2. Remove any foreign matter from the hose and coupling.
3. Replace worn, damaged, or dry washers.
4. Verify all discharge valves, drain valves and drain cocks are
5. Tighten the suction caps.
Extreme conditions occur when the pump has been operated during
freezing weather or when pumping from a water source that contains
material that is harmful to the pump if not purged.