Procedure to encrypt configuration files, Procedure to encrypt configuration files -4, Draft 1 – Aastra Telecom 9480i Series User Manual
Page 726

Encrypted Files on the IP Phone
41-001160-03, Rev 00, Releaes 2.4
IP Phone Administrator Guide
Procedure to Encrypt Configuration Files
To encrypt the IP phone configuration files:
Open a command line window application (i.e., DOS window).
At the prompt, enter anacrypt.exe and press
C:\> anacrypt.exe -h
Provides encryption of the configuration files used for the family of Aastra IP
phones, using 56bit triple-DES and site-specific keys.
Copyright (c) 2008, Aastra Technologies, Ltd.
Copyright (c) 1999, Philip J. Erdelsky
anacrypt {infile.cfg|-d
Note: Incorrect password produces garbage. For site-specific keyfile
security.cfg the plaintext must match password.
Anacrypt Switch
{infile.cfg | -d
Specifies that all .cfg files in
[-p password]
Specifies password used to generate keys
Generate MAC.tuz files that are phone specific.
This switch generates files that are
only usable for phones with firmware version 2.2.0 and above.
Generate security.tuz file
Specifies the version of encryption that the anacrypt tool uses. Use version 1 encryption
(i.e., -v1) to generate firmware that is readable by all model phones.
Without the -v1
switch, the anacrypt tool generates files that are only readable by phones with
firmware 2.2.0 and above.
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Draft 1