Printing – HID Prox Programmer Installation Guide User Manual

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HID ProxProgrammer Operation Manual 1050-904 Rev B


10. If you receive an error message, it may indicate that the tag you are attempting to program has

already been programmed or there is no tag present to program. If the tag has not been previously
programmed, it may mean the tag is damaged and therefore unusable.

11. You can present a different tag and click the

RETRY button or you can choose to SKIP the tag. If

you skip the tag, you can program it later by choosing the Card Order Operations Menu/ Program
Tags. The program will locate the tags that were skipped and prompt you to program only those

12. You can also print in the programming screen.

Tag Orders can now be printed to your system's default printer. Be sure to change your card printer so

it is designated as the system default printer.

1. Select the

Card Order Operations menu and highlight PRINT TAG.

2. Select the Order # by pressing the down arrow and highlighting the desired order. If a format error

message is returned after the order # is selected, you will need to select a different format.

3. Select the

Programmer Options menu and highlight Select a Format.

4. Choose the desired format from the list of formats available.

Printing tags