Nikon D2Xs User Manual
Page 83

Taking Photographs—Image AdjustmentTaking Photographs—Image Adjustment
Adjusting Contrast: Tone Compensation
As photographs are saved to the memory card, they are processed to adjust
the distribution of tones in the image, en hanc ing con trast. Tone com pen -
sa tion is performed by means of tone curves that defi ne the relationship
be tween the dis tri bu tion of tones in the original image and the compensated
result. The Tone compensation menu controls the type of curve used.
Camera automatically optimizes con trast by selecting the ap pro pri ate
curve. Curve varies from shot to shot, even in scenes of same type;
to take multiple shots with same curve, choose different setting. For
best results, use a type G or D lens.
Camera uses same standard curve for all im ag es. Suit ed to most
scenes, whether dark or bright.
Produces “softer” images. Pre vents highlights on portrait subjects
from being “washed out” in direct sunlight.
Choose this curve to preserve de tail in misty land scapes and other
low-contrast subjects.
Camera Control Pro (available separately) can be used to download
up to three custom tone curves to the camera. Choose Custom to
se lect a user-defi ned curve (
72). If no custom curve has been cre-
ated, this op tion is equiv a lent to Nor mal.
Highlight Tone compensation in the shoot-
ing menu (
168) and press the multi selector
to the right.
High light the de
sired op
tion and press the
multi se lec tor to the right. If Custom is se-
lected, a menu of custom tone curves will be
displayed (
72). Otherwise, the shooting
menu will be displayed.