Nikon D2Xs User Manual

Page 7

background image


• Do not store the camera with naph tha or

camphor moth balls, close to equip ment
that pro duc es strong mag net ic fi elds, or in
areas subject to extremes of tem per a ture,
for ex am ple near a space heater or in a
closed ve hi cle on a hot day.

• To prevent mold or mil dew, take the cam-

era out of storage at least once a month.
Turn the camera on and re lease the shut-
ter a few times before putting the cam era
away again.

• Store the battery in a cool, dry place. Re-

place the terminal cover before put


the battery away.

Notes on the monitor
• The monitor may contain a few pix els that

are always lit or that do not light. This is
a char

ac ter is tic com

mon to all TFT LCD

monitors and does not in di cate a mal func -
tion. Im ag es re cord ed with the prod uct
will not be af fect ed.

• Images in the mon i tor may be dif fi cult to

see in a bright light.

• Do not apply pressure to the monitor; this

could cause dam age or mal func tion. Dust
or lint on the mon

i tor can be re


with a blower. Stains can be re


by rub bing the surface light ly with a soft
cloth or cham ois leath er.

• Should the monitor break, care should be

taken to avoid injury due to bro ken glass
and to pre vent the liq uid crystal from the
monitor touch ing the skin or en ter ing the
eyes or mouth.

• Replace the monitor cover when trans-

port ing the camera or leaving it un

at -

tend ed.

Turn the product off before re mov ing or dis-
connecting the power source
Do not unplug the product or re move the
battery while the prod

uct is on, or while

im ag es are being recorded or deleted. Forc-
ibly cut ting pow er to the prod uct in these

cir cum stanc es could re sult in loss of data or
in damage to product memory or internal
circuitry. To pre

vent an ac

ci den tal in

ter -

rup tion of pow er, avoid car ry ing the prod uct
from one lo ca tion to an oth er while the AC
adapter is con nect ed.

• When you turn the device on, check the

battery-level dis played in the con trol pan el
to de ter mine whether the bat tery needs
to be re placed. The bat tery needs to be
re placed when the battery-level in di ca tor
is fl ash ing.

• Ready a spare bat

tery and keep it ful


charged when tak ing pho to graphs on im-
por tant oc ca sions. De pend ing on your lo-
ca tion, you may fi nd it diffi cult to pur chase
re place ment bat ter ies on short notice.

• On cold days, the capacity of bat

ter ies

tends to de crease. Be sure the battery is
fully charged before tak ing pho to graphs
out side in cold weath

er. Keep a spare

bat tery in a warm place and ex change the
two as nec es sary. Once warmed, a cold
bat tery may re cov er some of its charge.

• Should the bat tery ter mi nals be come dirty,

wipe them off with a clean, dry cloth be-
fore use.

• After removing the battery from the cam-

era, be sure to replace the ter mi nal cov er.

Memory cards
• Turn the pow

er off before in

sert ing or

re mov ing mem

o ry cards. In

sert ing or

re mov ing cards with the pow er on could
ren der them un us able.

• Insert mem

o ry cards as

shown in the il lus tra tion
at right. In sert ing cards
up side down or back-
wards could dam age the
cam era or the card.