Nikon D2Xs User Manual

Page 115

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Taking Photographs—Exposur



Press ing the

button, rotate the sub-com mand dial to choose the

exposure increment (



Com pose a photograph, focus, and shoot. The cam era will vary ex-

po sure and/or fl ash level shot-by-shot according to the brack et ing pro-
gram se lect ed. Mod i fi ca tions to ex po sure are add ed to those made with
ex po sure com pen sa tion (

99), making it possible to achieve exposure

compensation values of more than 5 EV.

While bracketing is in ef

fect, a bracketing progress indicator will be

displayed in the top control panel. A seg ment will dis ap pear from the
in di ca tor af ter each shot.

To cancel bracketing, press the

button and rotate the main com-

mand dial until the number of shots in the bracketing sequence is zero

is no longer displayed in the control panel on top of the camera.

The program last in effect will be restored the next time brack et ing is
ac ti vat ed. Brack et ing can also be cancelled by per form ing a two-button
reset (

136), although in this case the bracketing program will not be

restored the next time brack et ing is activated. Selecting WB bracketing
for Custom Setting e5 cancels the current the bracketing program.

Shooting Mode

In single frame and self-timer modes, one shot will be taken each time the shutter-
release button is pressed. In continuous low speed and continuous high speed modes,
shooting will pause af ter the number of shots specifi ed in the bracketing pro gram have
been taken. Shooting will resume the next time the shutter-release button is pressed.

e8—Auto BKT Selection (


If desired, the main command dial can be used to turn bracketing on and off and the
sub-command dial to select both the number of shots and the exposure increment.