Exposure mode – Nikon D2Xs User Manual

Page 101

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Taking Photographs—Exposur


Exposure Mode

Exposure mode determines how the camera sets shutter speed and aperture
when adjusting exposure. Four modes are available: programmed auto (P),
shutter-priority auto (S), aperture-priority auto (A), and manual (M).

CPU Lenses

When using a CPU lens equipped with an aperture ring, lock the aperture ring at the
min i mum aperture (highest f/-number). At other settings, the shutter release will be
dis abled and a blinking

will appear in the aperture displays in the top control panel

and viewfi nder. Type G lenses are not equipped with an aperture ring.

Depth-of-Field Preview

To preview the effects of aperture, press and hold the
depth-of-fi eld preview button. The lens will be stopped
down to the aperture value se

lect ed by the cam


(modes P and S) or the val ue cho sen by the user (modes A and M), al low ing depth of
fi eld to be previewed in the viewfi nder.

b1—ISO Auto (


When Custom Setting b1 (ISO auto) is on, the camera automatically varies ISO sensi-
tivity between ISO 100 equivalent and a maximum selected by the user to help ensure
optimum ex po sure. In exposure modes P and A, the camera adjusts ISO sensitivity
when the shutter speed needed to obtain optimum exposure would be faster than



8 ,000

s or slower than a specifi ed value. Otherwise the camera adjusts ISO sensitiv-

ity when the limits of the camera exposure metering system are exceeded (mode S)
or when optimum exposure can not be achieved at the shutter speed and aperture
selected by the user (mode M). When ISO sen si tiv i ty is al tered from the value se lect ed
by the user, ISO-AUTO will fl ash in the rear control panel and a fl ashing ISO-A will be
displayed in the viewfi nder. Note that noise is more likely to ap pear in pho to graphs
taken at higher ISO sen si tiv i ties.

On can not be selected for ISO auto when ISO sensitivity is set to a value over ISO 800;
sim i lar ly, values over ISO 800 can not be se lect ed when ISO auto is on.

b7—Fine-Tune Exposure (


Optimal exposure can be fi ne-tuned separately for each metering method (note that
the exposure compensation icon is not displayed when exposure is fi ne-tuned).

e4—Modeling Flash (


This setting controls whether the SB-800, SB-600, and other optional fl ash units that
support the Creative Lighting System (CLS;

108) will emit a modeling fl ash when the

depth-of-fi eld preview button is pressed.