Active folder – Nikon D2Xs User Manual

Page 186

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Menu Guide—The Shooting Menu

Active Folder

To select the folder in which subsequent im-
ages will be stored, highlight Active folder in
the shooting menu (

168) and press the multi

selector to the right. Press the multi selector up
or down to highlight an option, then press to the
right to make a selection.

Number of Folders

Additional time will be required for recording and playback if the memory card con-
tains a very large number of folders.

Automatic Folder Creation

If the current folder contains 999 fi les, or if sequential fi le numbering (

199) is on and

the current folder contains a picture numbered 9999, the camera will automatically
create a new folder for the next picture by adding one to the current folder number. If
the memory card already contains a folder numbered 999, the shutter release will be
disabled. If sequential fi le numbering is on, the shutter release will also be disabled if
the current folder is numbered 999 and contains a picture numbered 9999. To con-
tinue shooting, create a folder with a number less than 999, or select an existing folder
with a number less than 999 and less than 999 images.

Creating a Folder at Startup

If the

button is pressed when the camera is turned on, a new folder will be created

by adding one to the current folder number if no empty folders already exist.




Dialog shown at right will be displayed; press
multi selector up or down to choose number for
new folder. Press multi selector to right to create
new folder and return to shooting menu. Subse-
quent photographs will be stored in new folder.



List of existing folders will be displayed; press
multi selector up or down to highlight folder,
press to right to select and return to shooting
menu. Subsequent photographs will be stored
in selected folder.