Custom setting a8: vertical af-on button function, Custom setting a7: focus area select – Nikon D2Xs User Manual

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Menu Guide—Custom Settings

Custom Setting a8: Vertical AF-ON Button Function

This option determines what functions are as-
signed to the AF-ON button for vertical shooting.
Highlight a8 Vertical AF-ON in the second level
of the CSM menu (

180) and press the multi

selector to the right. Press the multi selector up
or down to highlight an option, then press to the
right to make a selection.



Focus area

Focus area can be selected by pressing vertical AF-ON button and rotat-
ing sub-command dial. Button can not be used for other functions.


Pressing vertical AF-ON button locks focus and exposure.


focus area

As for AF-ON+focus area, except that pressing vertical AF-ON button
locks focus and exposure.


Pressing vertical AF-ON button initiates autofocus.


focus area


Pressing vertical AF-ON button initiates autofocus. Focus area can be
selected by pressing vertical AF-ON button and rotating sub-command

Custom Setting a7: Focus Area Select

By default, the fo cus-area display is bounded by
the four outer fo cus areas so that, for example,
press ing the multi se lec tor up when the top fo cus
area is se lect ed has no effect. Fo cus-area selection
can be changed to “wrap around.” Highlight a7
Focus area
in the second level of the CSM menu

180) and press the multi selector to the right. Press the multi selector up

or down to highlight an option, then press to the right to make a selection.



No wrap


Wrap-around disabled.


Fo cus-area selection “wraps around” from top to bottom, bottom to
top, right to left, and left to right.