Nikon D2Xs User Manual

Page 282

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Technical Notes—Specifi


Precautions for Use: Quick Charger

The Nikon MH-21 is for use with Nikon EN-EL4/EN-EL4a rechargeable Li-ion

batteries only. Do not attempt to recharge other batteries with the MH-21.

• Do not use this product with non-compatible batteries.
• Remove the power cable from the power outlet when not in use.
• Should you notice smoke or an unusual smell coming from the charger, unplug it, tak-

ing care to avoid burns. Take the charger to a Nikon representative for inspection.

Precautions for Use: Rechargeable Li-ion Batteries

After removing the battery from the camera for storage or transportation, be

sure to attach the terminal cover included with the EN-EL4a. Shorting the bat-
tery could result in leakage, fi re explosion, or other damage to the battery.

• Do not connect the product to any de vice not specifi cally re ferred to in this manual.
• Before using the product for the fi rst time or after an ex tend ed pe ri od of disuse,

re charge the battery with the MH-21 Quick Charger.

• If the battery will not be used for some time, run the battery fl at before putting it away.
• When storing the battery for long pe ri ods, charge it and then run it fl at again at least

once a year.

• Always remove the battery from the cam era or battery charger when not in use. If

the battery is left in place, minute amounts of current will continue to fl ow even
when the battery is not use, and the battery may be drained to the point that it will
no longer func tion.

• When the battery is not in use, attach the terminal cover and store the battery in a

dry lo ca tion with an ambient temperature of 15–25 °C (59–77 °F). Do not leave the
battery in hot or ex treme ly cold plac es.

• During recharging, the am bi ent tem per a ture should be between 0–40 °C (32–104 °F)

or the battery may not fully charge or may not function prop er ly.

• Do not attempt to recharge a fully-charged bat tery. Failure to observe this precaution

will re sult in reduced bat tery per for mance.

• You may notice that the battery is hot di rect ly af ter use or recharging; this does not

indicate a mal func tion.

• Even when fully charged, the battery will dis charge more rapidly in cold con di tions.

It is rec om mend ed that you keep a fully-charged, spare bat tery on hand.

• Check the camera battery level indicator regularly. If the battery requires calibration,

calibrate the battery using the MH-21 Quick Charger.

• A marked drop in the time a fully-charged battery retains its charge at room tempera-

ture indicates a drop in battery performance. Check battery performance indicator
using the Battery Info option in the camera setup menu. When the camera shows
that battery performance is at its lowest level, the battery has reached the end of its
working life and needs to be replaced. Purchase a new EN-EL4a battery.

• The charge state shown in the camera battery level indicator is affected by ambient

temperature and other external conditions.