Custom setting d4: file number sequence – Nikon D2Xs User Manual

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Menu Guide—Custom Settings

Custom Setting d4: File Number Sequence

When a photograph is taken, the camera names
the fi le new by adding one to the last fi le number
used. This option controls whether fi le numbering
continues from the last number used when a new
folder is created, the memory card is formatted,
or a new memory card is inserted in the camera.
Highlight d4 File No. Seq. in the second level of the CSM menu (

181) and

press the multi selector to the right. Press the multi selector up or down to
highlight an option, then press to the right to make a selection.




When new folder is created, memory card is formatted, or new memory
card inserted in camera, fi le numbering continues from last number used or
from largest number in current folder, whichever is higher. If photograph
is taken when current folder contains photograph numbered 9999, new
folder will be created automatically and fi le numbering will begin again
from 0001.



File numbering reset to 0001 when new folder is created, memory card is
formatted or new memory card is inserted in camera.


As for On, except that next photograph taken is assigned fi le number by
adding one to largest fi le number in current folder. If selected folder con-
tains no photographs, fi le numbering reset to 0001.

Custom Setting d5: Control Panel / Viewfi nder Display

The options in this menu control the information
displayed in the viewfi nder and rear control panel.
Highlight d5 Cntrl panel/fi nder in the second
level of the CSM menu (

181) and press the

multi selector to the right. Press the multi selector
up or down to highlight an option, then press the
multi selector to the right.