Shooting menu bank – Nikon D2Xs User Manual

Page 183

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Menu Guide—The Shooting Menu

Shooting Menu Bank

All shooting menu options except interval timer and multiple exposure set-
tings are stored in one of four banks. Changes to settings in one bank have
no effect on the others. To store a particular combination of frequently-used
settings, select one of the four banks and set the camera to these settings.
The new settings will be stored in the bank even when the camera is turned
off, and will be restored the next time the bank is selected. Different com-
binations of settings can be stored in the other banks, allowing the user to
switch instantly from one combination to another by selecting the appropri-
ate bank from the bank menu.

The default names for the four shooting menu banks are A, B, C, and D. A
descriptive caption can be added using the Rename option.

To display the bank menu, highlight Shooting
menu bank
in the shooting menu (

168) and

press the multi selector to the right. Press the
multi selector up or down to highlight an option,
then press to the right to make a selection.






Select bank A.



Select bank B.



Select bank C.



Select bank D.


Rename selected bank.

* Descriptive caption will also be displayed if bank has been renamed.

ISO Sensitivity

If a bank in which ISO sensitivity has been set to a value over ISO 800 is chosen after
On is selected for Custom Setting b1 (ISO auto;

191), ISO sensitivity will



adjusted automatically.

Shooting Menu Bank

The rear control panel shows the bank currently selected
in the shooting menu bank menu.