Nikon D2Xs User Manual

Page 75

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Taking Photographs—White BalanceTaking Photographs—White Balance

Measuring a Value for White Balance
White balance can be measured with reference to a neutral gray object or by
measuring the color of the light source. The new value for white balance is
automatically stored in preset d-0.


A standard gray card or other neutral gray or white object is placed
under lighting that will be used in fi nal photograph and white balance
is measured using both 1,005-pixel RGB sensor and main image sensor.
Use for fl ash photography or when the subject and camera are under
different lighting.





Color of light source is measured by sensor on camera pentaprism and
white balance adjusted to produce natural coloration without reference
object. Use when subject is under same lighting as camera.




Press the WB button and rotate the main com-

mand dial until

is displayed in the rear

control panel or viewfi nder sidebar.

Rear control panel

Viewfi nder

If the new value for preset white balance will be used immediately, select
preset d-0 by pressing the WB button and rotating the sub-command dial
until d-0 is displayed in the rear control panel (

64). Otherwise there is

no need to select d-0 when measuring a new value for white balance.