Allied Telesis AT-S97 User Manual
Page 178

Chapter 10: File System Commands
This command downloads a new version of the AT-S97 Management
Software onto the AT-MCF2000M Management Module in a chassis. The
name of the file is “ats97.img:”
file download srcfile=tftp://
This command downloads a new version of the AT-S85 Management
Software onto the media converter module in slot 1 of a chassis with ID of
0. The IP address of the TFTP server is and the name of the
file is “ats85.img:”
file download srcfile=tftp://
Example of Downloading a Master Configuration File
This command downloads the master configuration file “mc2000_22a.cfg”
onto a management module from a TFTP server. The file is renamed
“mcf2000 unit5a.cfg” in the file system of the module. The ID number of
the chassis is 0:
file download srcfile=tftp://
dstfile=system://0/m/"mcf2000 unit5a.cfg"