Operating manual flytec 6020 map screen – Flytec 6020 * User Manual

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Operating Manual Flytec 6020

Map Screen

Defined Air Space

Waypoint in a
Route with cylinder

Defined Air Space
(not yet available)

Waypoint in a
Route with cylinder

Track, flown leg


Digital Variometer


Function of F1 key

Function of F2 key

Information lines

ESC is used to select the Map Mode. It is followed by the illustration of the flight track
(North is located at the top!). Additionally stored waypoints are plotted with a cross and name,
and the scale is indicated in the lower left part.

F2: Zoom in:

The map scale is gradually increased, up to approx. 0.5–1.0 km. Thus

single circles are clearly recognisable (dependent on the Recording Interval settings)
F1: Zoom out:

The map scale is gradually decreased until the display screen is


Return from any display back to optimised display screen.


Return to flight selection Menu

All other keys cause the track in the current selection to be redrawn.

Arrow keys:
During the flight one can blank out by use of the right arrow key all waypoints not being part
of the Route. When having left the map screen and subsequently switches back, however
all waypoints shall be displayed again.
During the flight the current position is shown in the centre. The screen moves by half when
the current position is getting to the frame, or when one returns to map mode from any other
screen display.

When viewing a flight stored in the flight memory, the displayed frame can be shifted to the
top, to the bottom, or to the right or left. This function is not enabled during flight.

Each screen layout may take several seconds, depending on the amount of data. The more
track points are already stored in memory, the more time for screen layout is required.
If during screen layout a zoom- or pan key is actuated, then the momentary screen layout
will be cut short and start over again with the new values. Thus the desired graph will be
reached speedily. The track is redrawn back from the current position. This may become
important during long-lasting flights with short recording intervals for screen layout.

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