2 safety altitude (alt a. bg), 3 final glide calculation over several waypoints, Safety altitude (alt a. bg) – Flytec 6020 * User Manual
Page 52: Final glide calculation over several waypoints, Operating manual flytec 6020
Operating Manual Flytec 6020
On the one hand one will climb for safety reasons somewhat above the path of best glide. On
the other hand one will climb still slightly higher on a day with good thermal
and then slowly annihilate this reserve altitude when gliding down by flying faster
with consequently earlier arrival.
2.) Gliding down to Goal
The pilot has left the thermal with sufficient safety altitude above the path of best glide and is
flying towards his goal. He should speed-up until the display „Diff.BGWayp“
will begin to decline slowly. This display indicates that by flying faster, one is
annihilating slowly the altitude reserve. However, one should look out for sinking
air mass or head wind. This is shown when the display „Diff.BGWayp“ is declining more quickly
and when the paraglider symbol on the final approach display screen
is moving faster towards the intersection. In this case it is recommended to fly at a
more slowing rate again.
For all previously made considerations we assumed that the wind component is
automatically calculated from the difference:
Gndspeed – Airspeed.
However, there are
good reasons which justify to overwrite this automatically logged
with a manually entered value.
1. While circling up in thermals the wind prevailing outside of the thermal shall always
be stronger than the measured one. The strength is dependent on the value of climb
and also on the fact if the pilot is at the top or at the bottom of the thermal.
2. As for the final approach, also slight wind fluctuations, for ex. when induced
by yaw will take effect on the pre-calculated arrival altitude. A wind component logged
as fixed value shall then calm the result.
3. When the pilot being in down glide from high altitude knows by experience,
in which way the wind shall change in the lower layers, he can consider this already
in advance.
4. When para glider pilots fly without speed sensor, the manually logged wind
component can provide a significant improvement of final glide calculation.
9.4.2 Safety altitude (Alt a. BG)
The display „Alt a. BG“ indicates the pilot’s current altitude above (or below) the path of best
glide leading to goal. The safety altitude (Alt. over Alt a.BG) is also this altitude which
one could safely lose when flying through a sinking air mass and could still make it to goal.
„Alt a. BG“ can also be shown continuously in the user selectable fields. It is only then
identical to „Alt a. WP“ if the pilot flies with the speed of best glide.
The fields „Alt a. BG“ and „Alt a. WP“ will switch to inverse display during thermal circling
at the moment when the pilot could leave the thermal (Alt a.BG) in order to just arrive
safely; or when the pilot should definitely leave the thermal (Alt a. WP) in order to reach
the selected WP as fast as possible. (see picture on page 17).
9.4.3 Final Glide calculation over several Waypoints
As of the 6020-GPS a new user selectable field „Alt a. Goal“ has been added. This is a
pre-calculation, based on best glide ratio, of required altitude above (or below) the last WP of a
Route, irrespective of how many WP’s are still in front of the pilot. The related actual wind vector
is taken into account for all sectors, as well as the differing glide ratio values resulting from it.
Naturally this result requires that the detected wind does not change on the way to goal.
The wind vector is updated again by each flown full circle
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