3 acoustics and volume level (sound), Acoustics and volume level (sound), Operating manual flytec 6020 – Flytec 6020 * User Manual
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Operating Manual Flytec 6020
2.2.3 Acoustics and Volume Level (Sound)
The Menu Climb acoustics facilitates the versatile setting possibilities of the Flytec 6020 GPS
Vario – Acoustics. This feature enables a rapid and easy adaptation to the pilot’s requirements.
By short pressure on the
key the volume level will increase each time by 25%.
The adjustable sound levels are: 0 - 25% - 50% - 75% - 100% - 0. The selected value
is displayed on the information line and confirmed with a short beep or double-beep.
Automatic volume control: with the basic setting levels 25 50 and 75 % the volume level
will be slowly increased automatically, once the airspeed exceeds 40 km/h. However, it is
impossible for the volume level to exceed 100%.
Following settings are possible in the Setup-Menu under User Settings
Vario Acoustics
Acoustics settings.
The climb tone is a frequency modulated beep tone whose pitch and beep tone sequence
increase rhythmically at increasing climb rate. The pulse/pause ratio is 1:1.
Asc, F
Basic Tone pitch
is the frequency audible at starting climb tone.
Increase Tone pitch
the interrelation may be seen on graphic below.
The tone increases rapidly, even at
little Vario increase.
Setting = 9
Basic tone pitch 500Hz
Basic tone pitch 1000Hz
The tone increases only slowly, even
at high Vario increase.
Setting = 2
Basic Tone pitch
Tone pitch at starting Sink tone. The Sink tone is continuous
and is heard with deeper sound pitch at increasing sink speed
and is slowly increasing in frequency when approaching rising
air. The basic tone pitch of sink acoustics may only be set
equally to the basic tone pitch for climb acoustics.
The Sink tone may be switched-off by briefly pressing the
and can also be switched-on again; then the analog Vario display
would show the relevant threshold. Starting point of sink tone is
set Main Setup Menu
User Settings
Vario Acoustics
Sink tone threshold
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