Operating manual flytec 6020 – Flytec 6020 * User Manual
Page 34

Operating Manual Flytec 6020
Best glide 8
Act. distance to goal 5.45 km
Best glide –exit
point 931m over
the goal
act. height
Alt a BG
L/D req 5.7
For the example given above the pilot has entered the best glide ratio 8. If he would be
precisely on the path of best glide, the wing symbol would be exactly on the horizontal line,
and „Alt a.BG“ should be 0. Because his distance to goal is still 5,45 km, his altitude
should be in this case by 5450 : 8 = 681 meters higher than goal. However, „Alt a.BG“
indicates 275 m, therefore he is by 681 + 275 m higher than goal. The required L/D is
indeed 5450 : 956 = 5.7. The paraglider symbol is therefore 8-5.7= 2.3 Units or 4.6
crosshairs above the best glide line .
The strategy during the final approach is to hold the symbol in the cross-point. In order
to have some margin, experienced pilots will rather hold the symbol somewhat above the
cross-point of best glide.
During thermalling, the symbol remains on the vertical axis. As long as the deviation is more
than approx. 20 L/D, the symbol appears in grey in the centre. Below of approx. L/D 20
the symbol disappears. Upon approx. L/D 6 it reappears again on the screen bottom-up.
When it goes upside over the upper margin, it will again appear in grey.
Also during thermalling there is a small arrow ^ as exit assistance in the upper part,
if Track and Bearing correspond to each other within +/- 10°. When sinking the
arrows <^> show a recommendation in which direction one should head for.
If the symbol leaves the range of approx. plus minus 60°, it shall be presented in grey.
In this case one should shift back to the Vario screen using the
key, in order to see
the compass rose with its direction pointers.
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