MagTek InSpec 9000 User Manual
Page 74

InSpec 9000 Encoded Card Tester
Signal Amplitude
This parameter is the result of a read head passing over an encoded track. When a read
head passes over a flux transition, a voltage is induced in the read head. This voltage is
referred to as Signal Amplitude. The measure of Signal Amplitude is stated as a percent
of the Reference Signal Amplitude as provided by the Reference Card. The peak value
of the signal amplitude is the value reported and is either an AVERAGE of all the
PEAKS on the track or the MINIMUM or MAXIMUM value of the PEAKS. The
minimum and maximum values are also referred to as INDIVIDUAL Signal Amplitude.
The position of the PEAKS of signal amplitude defines the position of the flux transitions
for jitter measurements.
Spacing loss
A reduction of signal amplitude as a result of the read head not in intimate contact with
the magnetic media.
Two-Frequency Recording (F2F)
The encoding method used for ISO tracks. This method defines a ONE bit as a bit with a
flux transition between two clock transitions. A ZERO bit is defined as no flux transition
between two clock transitions.